šŸ˜Š Hello, Iā€™m Minseong Bae!

Hello, my name is Minseong Bae. Iā€™m an undergraduate student at Korea University, majoring computer science & engineering and mathematics. Also, I am currently an undergraduate intern at MLV Lab of Korea University, advised by Prof. Hyunwoo J. Kim. Iā€™m hugely interested in machine learning and deep learning, especially in machine learning on graphs, generative models and multimodal AI.


[2024/01/11] I start this blog! I am going to write some posts about what I learned from various materials about computer science, machine learning, deep learning and mathematics.

For more info & questions

If you have any questions about me or posts in this blog, feel free to ask me via e-mail. (kyle9103@gmail.com / bms2002@korea.ac.kr)